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Artikel komplett im grünen Bereich
Die folgenden Artikel haben die maschinellen Prüfungen des C64-Wiki bestanden:
0° Nord 10th Frame 1942 3D-Vier-Gewinnt 3D Pinball 4x4 Off-Road Racing 5th Gear ACE: Air Combat Emulator APB A Bee C's A Journey to the Centre of the Earth A View to a Kill Abyss Accolade Comics Ace of Aces Action Fighter Ad Infinitum Adidas Championship Tie-Break Advanced Space Battle Adventure 2000 - Die Jagd nach der Rakete Adventure of the Year Afterburner (Activision) Agent USA Agricola Airborne Ranger Airline Airwolf Aktenzeichen X-14 Aldebaran Alice in Videoland Alien Alien Storm Alien Syndrome Alienator Aliens (Activision) Aliens (Electric Dreams Software) Alleykat Alter Ego Altered Beast Alternate Reality - The City Alternative World Games Amazon Amazon Tales Another World Apeshit Apollo 18 – Mission to the Moon Apple Cider Spider Aquanaut (Interceptor) Arac Arc Doors Arcadia 64 Arcana Archon Archon II - Adept Arctic Shipwreck Arkanoid Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh Armalyte Artillery Duel Asgard Asi – Planet des Todes Asterix and the Magic Cauldron Asterix und Obelix - Die Odyssey Astro Chase Astrolab Athanor Atlantis (Ariolasoft) Atomino Atomix Attack of the Mutant Camels Auf Wiedersehen Monty Auf der Suche Australopiticus Robustus Avenger Awakening Axis Assassin Aztec (Action-Adventure) Aztec Challenge Aztec Tomb Adventure B.C.'s Quest for Tires B.C. II - Grog's Revenge BEAM BMX Simulator BMX Simulator 2 Baccaroo Back To The Future Bad Cat Ballblazer Balloonacy Balls like a Frog Banana Drama Bandits Bangkok Knights Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax Barbie Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing Batalyx Batman - The Caped Crusader Batman - The Movie BattleTech – The Crescent Hawk's Inception Battle Chess Battle for Normandy Battle of Britain Battle through Time Battleships Batty Beach-Head Beach-Head II – The dictator strikes back Beamrider Bedlam Bellringer Benji - Space Rescue Berania Biff Big Trouble in Little China Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure Bionic Commando Bionic Commando (USA) Bit Exorcist Black Hawk Black Tiger Blagger Blip! Video Classics Blue Angel 69 Blue Max Blueprint Bomb Chase Revival Bomb Jack Bomb Squad Bomberman C64 Bombuzal Bonanza Bros BoneCruncher Bongo Booga Boo Boom Boom (Brainstorm) Booty Bop'n Rumble Borrowed Time Boulder Dash Bounty Bob Strikes Back! Bozo's Night Out Brain Spasm Brainion Brektwon Brickout Briley Witch Chronicles Bristles Broken Mirror Brubaker Bruce Lee Bruce Lee - Return of Fury Bubble Bobble Buch der Weisheit Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom Buddy Bubble Budokan - The Martial Spirit Bug Blitz Bugbomber Buggy Boy Build-It: Das Bauhaus Bundesliga Manager V2.0 Bunny Jagd Burger Time Burger Time '97 Burger Time (Arlasoft) Burnin Rubber Börsenfieber C-2048 CRX Race California Games Canonrider Captain Blood Captain Starlight Caren and the Tangled Tentacles Castle Master Castle Wolfenstein Castle of Doom Catalypse Cauldron Cauldron 2: The Pumpkin Strikes Back Cave Climber Cavelon Caveman Ugh-Lympics Caverns in Mountain Caverns of Khafka Centauri Alliance Centipede Chambers of Shaolin Chameleon Champions of Krynn Chimera Choplifter Chopper Commander Chuckie Egg Circus Attractions Clever & Smart Cliff Hanger Clik-Clak Clowns Clystron Coalminer Cobra (Ocean) Codeword Arguseye in Secret Mission Cohan's Land Cohen's Towers Coldiarus Colonial Trader Color Catcher Colors Colossus Chess Combat School Commando Commando 86 Complex Computershop Conan Conga 4096 Congo Bongo (1983) Congo Bongo (1985) Conquestador Cool Croc Twins Corescape Corx - Rebel Racers Cosmic Convoy Cosmic Cruiser Cosmic Tunnels Cosmox Count Duckula - No Sax Please, We're Egyptian! Crack Down Crantor - Bedrohung aus dem All Crazy Comets Crazy News Creatures Crillion Crillion '93 Crime Time Cromwell House Crossfire Cruisin' For A Bruisin' Crush Crystal Fever Crystals of Zong Curse of the Azure Bonds Cyberball Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine D-Bug D.A.K. - Deutsches Afrika-Korps Dagon’s Awakening Dallax – Sex und Crime in Southfork Dancing Monster Danger Freak Dark Caves Dark Lord Darkland Darkland 2 Das Auge Dagons Das DFUE-Adventure Das Drachental Das Grab des Pharao Das Haus des Magiers Das Maya-Grab Das Schwarze Schloß Das Schwert Skar David's Midnight Magic Days of Thunder De Sekte De Steen Der Wijzen Death Knights of Krynn Deathflood - Dungeon of Doom Decathlon Defender Defender of the Crown Deflektor Deja Vu - Eine Phantastische Geschichte Delta Demolition Construction Set Denture Warrior - The War of Corega Der Kleine Hobbit Der Seelenlose Der Stein der Weisen (Kingsoft) Der Wildkatzberg Der magische Kreis Der verlassene Planet Desert Fox Devolution - Global Warming Diamond Mine Dictator Die Dunkle Dimension Die Erbschaft – Panik in Las Vegas Die Hard Die Höhle Die Insel Die Maden kommen Die Prüfung Die Pyramide Die Suche Die versunkene Stadt Dig Dug Dig Dug (LC-Games) Dig Dug Revival Dinky Doo Dino Eggs Dino Wars Dirty Donald Duck's Playground Donkey Kong (Atarisoft) Donkey Kong Junior Double Dragon (Melbourne House) Double Dragon (Ocean) Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone Double Dragon II - The Revenge Down at the Trolls Draconus Dracula Dragon's Kingdom Dragon's Lair Dragon Ninja Dragon Wars Dragonsden Dream Girls Drelbs Drol Dropzone Druid Ducks Ahoy! Dungeon Duotris Dylan Dog: The Murderers Dynamite Düx Dynasty Wars Dyter-07 ESWAT Eagle Empire Eagle Eyes Eindeloos Eis und Feuer - Teil 1 - Der Magier Elidon Eliminator Elite Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Emanuelle Emerald Mine Emlyn Hughes International Soccer Encounter Enduro Racer Enforcer Eon Equinox Erotika Erotika II Erotika III Eskimo Games Eureka! Evil Dungeon Evil Dungeon 2 Exis - The Planet Far Away Exolon Express Raider Exterminator Eye of Horus Eye of the Beholder F-14 Tomcat F1 Manager Fairlight – A Prelude Falcon Patrol Falcon Patrol II Fantasia Fantasy Girl Father Christmas Fighter Bomber Final Fight Finders Keepers Fire-Galaxy FireTrap Fire Ant Fire King Firelord Firequest First Strike Five a Side Flaschbier 2007 Flash! Flight Simulator II Flimbo's Quest Floyd the Droid Flummi's World Fly Harder Football Manager Forbidden Forest Forgotten Worlds Fort Apocalypse Fortress (SSI) Fortress Underground Fox Fights Back! Frankenstein Frankie Crashed on Jupiter Frankie goes to Hollywood Frantic Freddie Freiheit Friday the 13th Frogger (Parker Brothers) Frogger (Sierra Online, Inc.) Frogger Arcade Frogger II: ThreeeDeep! Frogs Fröhn Fugger G-Loc R360 G.I. Joe GBA Championship Basketball (Two on Two) Galaga (Arlasoft) Galaxian Galaxian DX Galaxy (Kingsoft) Galencia Gaplus Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal Garrison Garry Kitchen's GameMaker Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot! Gateway to Apshai Gauntlet Gauntlet II Gem'X Genloc Geopolitique 1990 Ghettoblaster Ghost Valley Ghostbusters Ghostbusters II Ghosts'n Goblins Ghosts'n Goblins Arcade Ghouls 'n Ghosts Gianna Sisters Construction Kit Glider Rider Glücks-Rad (Gametek) Gold Quest Gold Quest 2007 Gold Quest 4 Gold Quest 5 Gold Quest II Gold Quest III Gold Quest VI Golden Axe Goldshaft Gordian Tomb Gordon Saga Gorf Gotcha! Graffiti Man Grand Monster Slam Grand Prix Circuit Grandmaster Great Courts Green Beret Greenhouse Gremlins Gremlins – The Adventure Gribbly's Day Out Gridlock Gridrunner Gruds in Space Gryzor Gumball Gun Dogs Gunship Gyruss H.E.R.O. Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation Habitat Hacker Hades Nebula Halcyon Halleyn Komeetta Hammurabi Hanse Happy-Chess Harak Iri Harcon - Herr des Lichts Hard'n'Heavy Hard Hat Mack Harvey Smith Showjumper Hat Trick Hawkeye He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: The Ilearth Stone Heart of Africa Heartland Heli 1983 Heli 1983 Part 2 Helikopter Jagd Hellowoon Henry's House Heroes & Cowards Het Zwaard van de Koning Hi Ska Do Highlander Highnoon Holiday Games Hopeloos Hostages Hot Wheels House of Usher Hover Bovver Howard the Coder Howard the Duck Hunchback Hungaroring Hunter's Moon Hypa-Ball Hyper Aggressive Hyper Duel Hyper Sports Hyperrace Hägar I, Ball IK+ IO – Into Oblivion Iceblox Plus Ikari Warriors (Elite) Ikkiuchi Imperator (Thomas R. A. Wolf) Impossible Mission Impossible Mission II In 80 Days Around the World Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Indiana Jones and the last Crusade Indiana Jones in the Lost Kingdom Indoor Sports Infernal Runner Infiltrator Infiltrator Part II - The Next Day Inka - Schatzsuche am Amazonas Insects in Space International Karate International Soccer International Speedway International Truck Racing Into the Eagle's Nest Iridis Alpha Iron Horse Isnogud It's Magic Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road Jack Attack Jack Charlton's Match Fishing Jack the Nipper Jack the Nipper II – Coconut Capers Jack the Ripper Jammin' Jara-Tava - The Isle of Fire Jet Set Willy Jim Slim Jinks Joe Blade Joe Gunn - Gold Edition Jr. Pac-Man Juice! Julius Caesar Jump! Machine Jumpman Jumpman Junior Jungle Hunt Jupiter Lander Kaiser Kampf um Thurn Kampfgruppe Kane Kangarudy Karamalz Cup Karateka Karnov Karting Grand Prix Katakis Kayden Garth Kennedy Approach Kettle Kickman Killerwatt Klax Knight'n'Grail 2 Preview Knight 'n' Grail Knight Orc Knight Tyme Knights of Legend Kolonialmacht Kondi Krush! Koronis Rift Krakout Krieg um die Krone Kung-Fu Master Kunst aus China L'Abbaye des Morts Labyrinth Labyrinth (Commodore) Labyrinth des Schreckens Lady Pac Lady Tut Ladybug Lapis Philosophorum – Der Stein der Weisen Las Vegas Casino Laser-Schach Laser Zone Last Gladiator Last Ninja 2 Last Ninja 3 Law of the West Lazarian Lazy Jones Le Mans Leaderboard Leather Goddesses of Phobos Lemmings Leonardo Licence to Kill Lightforce Limes & Napoleon Litti's Hot-Shot! Little Computer People Little Nippers Little Nippers DX Loco Locomotion Lode Runner Log!cal Logan Logo (Spiel) Lords Lords of Conquest Lords of Doom Lords of Midnight Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge Lunar Leeper Lupo Alberto: The Video Game M.U.L.E. MASK II Madness Mafia Mafia (Sascha Laffrenzen) MagicMath Magic Madness Magic Tile Magische Steine Mail Order Monsters Mancopter Maniac Mansion Maniax Manic Miner Marble Boy Marble Madness Maria's Christmas Box Mario - Die unheimliche Mine Mario Bros (Atari) Mario Bros (Ocean) Mars Mask of the Sun Masquerade Master Blaster (Kingsoft) Master of the Lamps Masters of the Universe - Super Adventure Match Point Matchboxes Mayhem in Monsterland Maze Mania Mean Streets Mechanicus Mega Apocalypse Mega Starforce Mega Tetris II Memory Manor Mermaid Madness Merry Christmas Metal Warrior Metaplex Metro-Cross Miami Vice Mickey's Space Adventure Microchess Microgo1 Microprose Soccer Midnight Resistance Might & Magic: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum Might & Magic 2: Gates to Another World Mike Mech Mikie Milk Race Mindreader 64 Miner 2049'er Mini Golf Missile Command Missile Defence Mission Mission Elevator Mission Jonathan Missioncode CX-13 Mit Jeans und Hellebarde Moby Dick Montezuma's Revenge Monty Mole Monty on the Run Moon Patrol Moon Shuttle Moondust Moonshadow Moonsweeper Mord an Bord Mordsache Larue Motor Mania Mountie Mick's Deathride Mr. Cool Mr. Do! Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory Ms. Pac-Man Murder on the Mississippi Murder on the Zinderneuf Mutants Mystical Mission Myth - History in the Making Mythos 1 NATO Commander Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle Nebraska Joe Nebulus Necromancer Nemesis (British Software) Nemesis (Konami) Neptune's Daughters Netherworld Neuromancer Neuronics Newcomer Newquarts Nibbly '92 Nibelungen Nibly Nick Faldo plays the Open Niemandsland Night Mission Pinball Night Mission Pinball Enhanced Night Racer Night Shift Nightdawn Ninja Ninja Spirit Nippon Nodes of Yesod North & South Nutcraka OBY 1 OHG Obico Odyssey - Kampf mit der Wildnis Oel Oil Challenge Oil Imperium Oils Well Ollie's Follies Olympic Skier Omega Race Omidar On the Tiles One on One: Julius Erving and Larry Bird Operation Feuersturm Operation Hongkong Operation Neptun Operation Thunderbolt Operation Ushkurat Operation Wolf Orion Out Run (EU) Out Run (US) Outlaws Outrage Oxxonian PHM Pegasus POLAR BEAR IN SPACE! PP Hammer Pac-Land Pac-Man Pac-Mania Pacmania Painterboy Paperboy Paradroid Parallax Park Patrol Parsec Party Quest Paw Noir Pengo Phantasie Pharaoh's Curse Phase Out Phobia Pinball Construction Set Pinball Dreams C64 Preview Pinball Spectacular Ping Pong Pink Panther Pirates! Pit-Fighter Pitfall Pitfall II Pitstop Pitstop II Platoon Platou Plekthora Pogo Joe Pole Position Pole Position (Tronic) Pole Position II Pool of Radiance Pooyan Popeye Portal (2018) Portal – A Computer Novel Poster Paster Pot Panic Power Drift Power at Sea Powerplay – The Game of the Gods Presswurst II Liquid Edition Prince of Persia Professor Zork Project Firestart Project Stealth Fighter Psi 5 Trading Company Psycho Pub Games Punkt...Punkt...Punkt Puzzle Bobble Puzznic Q*bert QWAK Quadranoid Quadro-Power Quartet Quasimodo - Herrscher der Kartanen Quedex Questron Quiwi R-Type R-Type Preview R.A.M.S. R.M.S. Titanic R1-D1 Unit Attack Rabbit Pie Radar Rat Race Radius Raharuhtinas Raid on Bungeling Bay Raid over Moscow Railroad Rainbow Dragon Rainbow Edge Run DX Rainbow Islands Rally Speedway Rambo: First Blood Part II Rambo III Rampage (Europa) Rampage (USA) Ranarama Randoom Rastan Realm of Impossibility Red Moon Reederei Reise nach Atlantis Rekenwonder Report Rescue on Fractalus! Rettenthetetlen - Fearless Return of the Jedi Revenge of the Mutant Camels Revs+ Rex I Rick Dangerous Rick Dangerous II Rings of Medusa Ringside River Raid Road Runner Road to Moscow Robin Hood - Held von Sherwood Robin of the Wood RoboCop RoboCop 2 Robox Rock'n Roll Rock'n Roll Fahnder Rock n' Bolt Rocket Ball Rocket Ranger Rocket Roger Rodland Rollerboard Rolling Ronny Rolling Thunder Romper Room's I Love my Alphabet Rygar SEUCK Sabotage Sabre Wulf Sagor der Eroberer Salamander Salvage Samantha Fox Strip Poker Sammy Lightfoot Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo Santa's Christmas Capers Sanxion Sarakon Sargon II Sargon III Satan Satan's Hollow Save New York Scarabæus Scenario - Theatre of War Schatzjäger Schwert und Magie Schwert und Magie II Schwert und Magie III Scorpio Scramble Spirits Secret of Kandar Sein letzter Trick Serpentine Seven Cities of Gold Sex Games Sex Mission Shadow Dancer Shadow Switcher Shadow of the Beast Shamus Shanghai Shinobi Short Circuit Shotgun Shredz64 Silicon Syborgs Sim City Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon Sir Ababol Skate or Die! Ski-Weltcup Ski or Die Skramble Sky Diving Skyfox Slalom (Ultimax) Slap Fight Slinky Slurpy Smash Snare Snokie Snoopy Soldier Solo Flight Solomon's Key Son of Blagger Sonic Boom Sonic the Hedgehog Soul Crystal Soulless Space-Odyssey Space-Pilot Space-Pilot II Space Battle deluxe V2.3 Space Business Space Crusade Space Gun Space Harrier Space Pope Space Taxi Space Trap Spacefighter Spaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom Spare Change Special Agent Special Delivery: Santa's Christmas Chaos Speed-O-Cycles Speedball Spellbound Spelunker Spherical Spike Spike's Peak Spikey in Transylvania Spiky Harold Spindizzy Spion III - Die Jagd nach der Bombe Spirit of Adventure Spittis Search Split Personalities Spy's Demise Spy Hunter Spy vs Spy Squish 'em Star Ranger Star Rank Boxing II Star Trek - Flucht ins Paradies Star Wars (Domark) Star Wars (Parker Brothers) Starball Starforce Starquake Startrash Steel Ranger Steel Thunder Stein der Weisen (Public Domain) Stellar 7 Sterne wie Staub Stix (Supersoft) Stone Age Stormbringer Stormlord Straight Up Stratego Street Fighter (Go!) Street Fighter (US Gold) Street Fighter II Street Gang Street Sports Baseball Street Sports Basketball Street Sports Soccer Street Surfer Strider Strike Fleet Strike Force Cobra Strip Poker Stunt Car Racer Stümp Su Sweet Suicide Strike Suicide Voyage Summer Games Summer Games II Summer Olympiad Sunny Shine – On the Funny Side of Life Super Cars Super Cycle Super Hang-On Super Mario Bros 64 Super Monaco GP Super Nibbly Super Pac-Man Super Pipeline Super Pipeline 2 Super Smash Super Sprint Supergame Survivor Sword of Fargoal Sword of Honour Süsü a Sárkány T.R.S.I. - The Red Serpent Invasion TKKG - Das leere Grab im Moor TONY - Montezuma's Gold Tales of Boon Tanks (CP Verlag) Tapper Target Renegade Tarzan Tau Ceti Tazz Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op! Telengard Terminator 2 Terra Cresta Terror Of The Deep Terror Tank Test Drive Test Drive II Tetris Th!nk Cross The Addams Family The Arc of Yesod The Baby of Can Guru The Baker Street Kids – The Boy Jesus The Bard's Tale The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight The Bard's Tale III: The Thief of Fate The Big Deal The Blade of Blackpoole The Brew The Castles of Doctor Creep The Chessmaster 2000 The Clone Wars The Curse of RA The Curse of Sherwood The Dallas Quest The Eidolon The Empire Strikes Back The Empire Strikes Back 2022 The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 The Final Chesscard (Schachspiel) The Galleon The Games – Summer Edition The Games – Winter Edition The Goonies The Great American Cross-Country Road Race The Great Escape The Great Giana Sisters The Guild of Thieves The Heist The Hobbit The House The Hunt for Red October (1990) The Last Ninja The Last V8 The Living Daylights The Lonely Mission The Lurking Horror The Master Of Magic The Movie Monster Game The Mystery of the Nile The Newzealand Story The North Sea Inferno The Ormus Saga The Paranoia Complex The Party Quiz Game The Pawn The Power The Rats The Sacred Armour of Antiriad The Search for King Solomon's Mines The Secret of Monkey Island The Sentinel The Simpsons The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants The Spy Strikes Back The Standing Stones The Sword The Tomb of Dracula The Train – Escape to Normandy The Trap Door The Untouchables The Way of the Exploding Fist The Wrath of Denethenor The Yawn Theatre Europe They Stole a Million Thing on a Spring Thrust Thunder Blade Tiebreaker Time Fighter Time Scanner Time Traveller Times of Lore To Be On Top Toki Tolteka Tom Tooth Invaders Top Secret Total Recall Tower of Terror Track & Field Traffic Trailblazer Trains Transformers Transformers: The Battle to Save the Earth Trap Them 64 Trash Course Trashman Trivial Pursuit Trollie Wallie Tubyx Tuor Turbo Out Run Turmoil Turn It Turn It II Turrican Turrican II Turrican III Turrican III Preview Tutankham Tutankham Returns Twinworld Two-to-One Tygus Horx U.S.S. John Young UWOL - Quest for Money Uchi Mata Ugh! (Play Byte) Ultima III – Exodus Ultima II – The Revenge of the Enchantress! Ultima IV – Quest of the Avatar Ultima I – The First Age of Darkness Ultima VI – The False Prophet Ultima V – Warriors of Destiny Underwurlde Uninvited Up'n Down Uridium Uuno Turhapuro Muuttaa Maalle Vampire's Empire Veggies vs Undead Vendetta Verkeersrally Verlies Vermeer Vigilante Vincent Vixen Wanderung Warhawk Warlord Warriors Wasted Time Wasteland Water Polo Wavy Navy West Bank Who Dares Wins Who Dares Wins II Wicked Wie im Eisen der Fuchs... Wild West Willow Pattern Wings of Fury Winter Camp Winter Games Winter Olympiad 88 Winzer Wizard Wizard of Wor Wizardry I: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord Wizball Wolfman Wonder Boy Wonder Boy in Monster Land World Cup World Cup Carnival World Games Wuckel - Die Flucht der Sumpfgeister X-Out Yie Ar Kung-Fu Yie Ar Kung-Fu II Zaga Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders Zamzara Zauberschloß Zauberschloß II Zaxxon (Sega) Zaxxon (Synapse) Zeit der Stille Zeittunnel - Flucht in die Gegenwart Zeppelin Zero Gravity Zoids Zombi Zoo Mania Zorro Zynaps Zyron subLOGIC Scenery Disks
Artikel mit Mängeln
Die folgenden Artikel haben die maschinellen Prüfungen des C64-Wiki nicht bestanden:
Afterburner (Mindscape) Balloonacy 2 Black Gold (Starbyte) Bozuma Crown Der Fluch des Chaluul Domination Druidenschatz Fantasia (SVS) Gateway to the Savage Frontier Hollanditis Nixy The Glade Sprite Pupu Rendez Vous con Halley Rhesus-Negativ Sam's Journey Shadow of the Evil Silent Service Terrore A Dunwich Testartikel (Spielvoting) The Memo High & Low Card Game Turn It 2 - Future Edition Volleyball Simulator Wasser der Ewigkeit Western Games
Checkliste für Spiele-Artikel
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- Prüfung Spiele-Artikel - Stufe 3 - Prüfung inhaltlicher Insuffizienz
- Prüfung Spiele-Artikel - Stufe 4 - Prüfung ob Cover fehlt
- Prüfung Spiele-Artikel - Stufe 5 - Prüfung ob Screenshots fehlen