COMAL Reference Guide

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COMAL Reference Guide
Sprache englisch
Autor(en) Borge R. Christensen
Vorwort von Jim Butterfield
Jahr 1984
ISBN ISBN 0-920607-00-4
Seitenzahl 68
letzte Auflage 1. Auflage
Genre Programmieren / Comal

Vorwort[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

COMAL is an attractive language. It's as friendly as BASIC for the beginner, and yet allows the programmer to use advanced program stucture features when needed. In fact, one of COMAL's greatest benefits is in its helpfulness at different skill levels: easy for the beginner, effective for the advanced programmer.

COMAL is, in fact, a dialect of BASIC. But it's a BASIC which has been expanded, standardized and rationalized. COMAL does more, as compared to "garden variety" BASIC. The various implementations of COMAL are relatively compatible. COMAL Statements fit together to create programs that are efficient and reliable. And COMAL programs use relatively small amounts of memory, yet run quickly. COMAL is not yet a universal Computer language. At the present time, it's available on a limited number of Computers. Only a few books and magazine articles dealing with COMAL are to be found. But COMAL is gaining in popularity. More people than ever before are learning about - and using -COMAL. This reference guide will help you put COMAL 0.14 to work, quickly and efficiently.

Jim Butterfield
Toronto, Ontario, November 1984

Inhaltsverzeichnis[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Foreword................................... v

Preface.................................... vii

Introduction with definitions.............. ix

COMAL reference guide...................... 1
   With sections on:
   Expressions............................. 14
   Procedures and Parameters............... 37
   Standard Functions...................... 48
   String Handling, Substrings............. 49

C-64 COMAL 80 Graphics..................... 57

C-64 Sprite Commands....................... 62

Index...................................... 65

Leseprobe[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Seite 27, KEY$

is a standard function. It returns the first ASCII character in the input buffer. If no key has been depressed, an ASCII null is returned.

   WHILE T$=CHR$(0) DO T$:=KEY$

Meinung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Werner: "Für den Einstieg ganz OK. Der Gesamtumfang von 65 Seiten ist aber dürftig."

Weblinks[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]